I have been an elementary school teacher in the Houston, TX area for 28 years. Teaching is a passion of mine. I have always spent the extra time thinking of ways for my students to enjoy learning and be successful. I always found joy when struggling kids had that “lightbulb moment” , and they finally understood what I was trying to teach. After recently retiring, I have chosen to continue working with kids and am tutoring part-time. In addition to this, I have decided to do what I love. I am excited to create superior custom resources, and also share effective strategies. It is my desire that all kids will continue to grow and learn.

My Services
I understand how busy teachers and moms are. I am here to make your life easier, and I can create anything you wish. My superior custom resources are both in digital and printable formats. Your wish is my command. Check out my shop to buy any products you are interested in. If you don’t see what you are looking for, just fill out the form on my homepage and I would be happy to create a custom product for you.
My blog posts will include effective teaching strategies and tips I have learned over the years to help students understand a particular concept. Sometimes we find it difficult to explain things in a way that some kids will understand. I have had to come up with new ways to explain things each year, because there is always someone who needs it explained differently. Along with effective strategies, I will share a new product that students can use to practice the concept.
Please follow me on Facebook to stay up to date when new posts, resources and strategies are available! Please feel free to leave your comments and share with people you think would be interested in what I am providing.
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